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Use Address Bar as a Command Line

Christopher Zacharias
Rochester, New York

September 8, 1999

Need instant access to a command line without the fuss of clicking your way to the Start Menu's Run command?

Right-click on the taskbar and add the Address bar to it. At first glance, it appears you have a simple Web address entry for Internet Explorer. However, as Internet Explorer is highly integrated with Windows 2000, you can access pretty much anything with it. This means that you can type in a command or a file and it will execute or open it. Hence, the Address bar can be used quite effectively as a command line.

This tip works with Windows 2000 Professional and Server. The Address bar, obviously, accepts Web addresses and search queries as well.

Use Automatic Caching To Make Files Available Offline

The Windows 2000 Development Team

September 22, 1999

When configuring shared folders on Windows 2000 Server, you can ensure that the shared files are available for users even when they are disconnected from the network.

On computers running Windows 2000, caching is allowed and, by default, configured for Manual Caching for Documents for shared folders. This allows users to manually specify any files they want available when working offline.

To ensure that files a user opens or creates are automatically downloaded and made available offline, change the Caching setting for the shared folder to Automatic Caching for Documents. If you want the files in a shared folder to be downloaded automatically, but also want to prevent changes the user makes offline from being synchronized, use the Automatic Caching for Programs setting instead.

To change the Caching Settings for a shared folder:
bulletRight-click the shared folder. On the Sharing tab, click Caching.
bulletIn the Caching Settings dialog box, click the down arrow next to the Setting box.
bulletIn the list, click the caching setting you want.
bulletClick OK to return to the Properties dialog box for the folder, then click OK to apply your changes.


Cable Modems and Windows 2000 Server

Duane Urban
Starway Enterprises L.C., Dracut, Massachusetts

July 7, 1999

Our company has a small local area network (LAN), and was running a single server with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Service Pack 5, which we just updated to Windows 2000 Server. The machine is a custom 233P MMX� with 128MB RAM, 66MHz bus speed and is running almost every service an IT manager could desire, including Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0, for one of our company Websites. It is also used as a workstation while in server mode. We are connected to the Internet via an always-on cable modem, a 3Com� 10/100 3C90X-family network interface card (NIC) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client.

For some reason, 3Com didn't anticipate this machine running Windows 2000, and as a result did not make their Dynamic Access� software compatible. Needless to say, once the update was complete neither the LAN nor the Internet connection were configured properly.

The easiest way we found to get back online and get our LAN working was to uninstall the third-party network configuration software, uninstall both NICs using the Uninstall Hardware Wizard in Windows 2000, restart, and let the Found New Hardware Wizard do the rest. Once done, all the protocols and services needed for connecting to the Internet and LAN were automatically installed. The only thing we had to do was add our users and reassign permissions.

Also, if you had problems getting an SB AWE 64 Gold card installed properly with Windows NT 4.0, that isn't a problem with Windows 2000.


Calling-Card Dial-Up Setup

Kennon Baker
Rodale Press, Inc., Emmaus, Pennsylvania

July 9, 1999

I was having a difficult time configuring a calling-card dial-up setup. It would try dialing the account number too soon or not enter the card number within the correct timing. An old modem dial trick is to enter commas directly in the phone number; each additional comma adds one second of a pause. However, built into Windows 2000, I discovered that you can control the type of steps taken and how each step is handled during the calling-card PIN and account-dialing process.

Here are the steps to modify an existing calling card:
bulletOpen Phone and Modem Options.
bulletOn the Dialing Rules tab, click the location to modify, then click Edit.
bulletOn the Calling Card tab, click the card type you want to modify, then click Edit.
bulletClick the General tab to change the calling card name or number, or your personal identification number (PIN).
bulletClick the Long Distance, International, or Local Calls tab to change the access number or dialing steps for the corresponding type of call.


Cut and Paste in the Command Prompt

Janwillem Borleffs
Leiden, Netherlands

August 18, 1999

Using cut-and-paste in the Command Prompt is easy. In a text-editing application like Notepad, select and copy the phrase as you would normally. Next, move your mouse to the Command Prompt screen. Right-click on the desired location in this screen and the copied text will appear.

Naturally, you can also cut and paste in the Command Prompt screen itself. Select a phrase by moving the mouse over it while you hold down the left mouse button. Then right-click twice to paste the selection at the cursor's position.

This tip works with Windows 2000 Server and Professional.


Use File and Directory Name Completion in Command Prompt

The Windows 2000 development team

October 13, 1999

If you work with the command prompt frequently, you can speed your navigation through the directory structure and file lists by enabling File and Directory Name Completion. Completion is invoked when you type either of the two control characters (CTRL+D for directory names, CTRL+F for file names) at the command prompt. Some examples of using completion include:
bulletType the first few characters of a command executable, then type CTRL+F to cycle through the files that begin with those characters.
bulletType CD, then type CTRL+D to cycle through all of the directory names in the current path.

Other tidbits:
bulletTo move backward through the list, press the Shift key with the control character.
bulletIf file completion is used on any of the built-in directory commands (CD, MD, or RD), directory completion is assumed.

To enable File and Directory Name Completion for a single command-prompt session:
bulletClick Start, click Run, in the Open box type cmd /f:on, then click OK


bulletStart a command-prompt window and type cmd /f:on, then press Enter.

To enable File and Directory Name Completion for all command prompt sessions:
bulletClick Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, then right-click Command Prompt and choose Properties.
bulletUnder the Shortcut tab in the Target box, type %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /f:on.
bulletClick OK.

The Command Prompt shortcut on the Start menu will now start Cmd.exe with File and Directory Name Completion enabled.


List of F1-F9 Key Commands for the Command Prompt

Rodolfo De La Torre Vazquez
Lithium Systems, Guadalajara, Mexico

September 15, 1999

F1: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one

F2: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to copy up to" of the last command line

F3: Repeats the last command line

F4: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to delete up to" of the last command line

F5: Goes back one command line

F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)

F7: Displays a menu with the command line history

F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)

F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first command line entered

Note The buffer allows a maximum of 50 command lines. After this number is reached, the first line will be replaced in sequence.

Works on Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Opening a Command Prompt from Windows Explorer in a Particular Directory

Dan Green
Sydney, Australia

June 16, 1999

Hi there. I'm enjoying giving Windows 2000 Professional a spin.

Here's my tip:

With the previous versions (of Microsoft Windows NT), I've always associated Cmd.exe with Windows Explorer folders so I can immediately open a command prompt in the highlighted directory in Windows Explorer by right-clicking and selecting the entry I established for Cmd.exe.

Well, it was with slight dismay that I discovered that Windows 2000 wouldn't allow me to use my old and trusted technique to do just that. The old technique being, of course, to go to the Windows NT Explorer Options/File Types and associate the File Folder item with Cmd.exe.

As the File Folder item is not available in the file types list in Windows 2000, I've resorted to going direct to the registry. By inserting the simple keys listed below, an item labeled Command will appear when right-clicking on a folder. Selecting that item will open a command prompt in that directory.

@="cmd.exe \\\"%1\\\""


Use Command-Prompt Properties to Increase Screen Buffer

Tony Hallihan
DBS Computer & Support Group, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

January 5, 2000

Many professional people in Computer Support and Information Technology � while appreciative of GUI interfaces � really live on the command line. Many utilities have all sorts of esoteric switches that can be hard to remember.

Often, using program_name /? to tell you what those switches are returns more information than the screen buffer can hold. There is always program_name /? | more, or you can dump the output to a text file using program_name /? > text_file_name.txt.

A better way in Windows 2000 (also in Windows NT 4.0) is to change the command-window Properties.

Here's how:
bulletClick Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, then click Command Prompt.
bulletRight-click anywere on the title bar of the Command Prompt window, then click Properties.
bulletOn the Layout tab, under Screen Buffer Size, increase the Height value. 100 seems about right for me. Click OK.
bulletIn the dialogue box that then appears, choose "Modify shortcut that started this window" to make this change permanent for future Command Prompt windows started from the Command Prompt icon on the Start Menu.
bulletClick OK.

You now have a scrollable command window.


Defrag Hard Disk to Boost Performance

Clinton Davis
Fresno, California

July 21, 1999

If you're upgrading from Windows 98, and Windows 2000 is running really sluggish, try defragging your hard drive. Worked like a charm for me.


Use Device Manager to Switch from Uniprocessor to Multiprocessor Support

Kartik Raghavan
Program Manager for Setup, Windows 2000 Development Team

December 8, 1999

A lot of people don't know this yet: You can easily go from uniprocessor (UP) to multiprocessor (MP) support in Windows 2000 by using the Device Manager. (To do this in Windows NT 4.0, you have to use a Resource Kit utility called uptomp, or reinstall the operating system.)

The steps are:
bulletIn Control Panel, click System, choose the Hardware tab, then click the Device Manager button.
bulletSelect the Computer node and expand it.
bulletDouble-click the object listed there (on my system, it is called Standard PC), then choose the Driver tab. Click the Update Driver button.
bulletOn the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard, click the Next button, then select Display a known list of drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver. Click the Next button.
bulletOn the Select Device Driver page, select Show all hardware of this device class.
bulletSelect the HAL that matches your new configuration, multiprocessor or uniprocessor. Click the Next button. Check that the wizard is showing the configuration you want, then click the Next button to complete the wizard.

Works with Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Show More Details in My Documents and Windows Explorer

John M. Vittone
Microsoft Windows 2000 MVP and graduate student,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

November 17, 1999

When using the Windows Explorer with the view mode set to Details, Windows 2000 users have the option to display much more than Name, Size, Date, or Type. Right-click on one of the column titles in Explorer and you'll see what I mean.

By doing so, you can add columns that display such fields as Attributes, Created, Accessed, and Comment. If you select the More option at the bottom, a dialog box comes up, with even more fields.

The Comment column is a great addition. By opening the file properties of certain file types such as Word documents or Excel spreadsheets, you can add an explanatory comment on the Summary tab. If you have selected that column to be displayed in Detail view, the comment will now be displayed in the Comment column.

Moreover, you can enable a folder to display info in the Comment column by doing the following:
bulletOpen the folder you wish to have a comment associated with. Create a text file called desktop.ini. In the text file add the following lines of text:


InfoTip=This is where I keep all my secret data

bulletSave the text file and close.
bulletReplace "This is where I keep all my secret data" with whatever comment you wish to be displayed by Explorer in the Comment column of Detail view.

This tip will also work with disk drives.

Works with Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Use Export List with Administrative Tools

James Sun
American Technology Services, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia

June 23, 1999

I use this tip constantly on Windows 2000 Server. Haven't tried it on Windows 2000 Professional, but I assume it works. (Editor's note Sure does.)

The Export List command on all the major Administrative Tools that use Microsoft Management Console windows (e.g., Internet Services Manager, Computer Management, Event Viewer) is a tremendous timesaver.

How many times have you needed to generate a list of users in a particular group for a status report, or needed to export a list of events displayed on the screen to a spreadsheet?

Well, by using the Export List command, you can create a comma-delimited or tab-delimited, plain or Unicode, text list of items displayed on the right list-view pane in the Microsoft Management Console. One other great feature is the ability to customize the columns that are displayed on the list-view pane via the Choose Columns command.


Enabling Indexing Service

Ryan J. Magyar
Pennsylvania State University, McKeesport Campus

July 14, 1999

This tip applies to both Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional:

Enabling Indexing Service greatly speeds up searches by maintaining an index of the files and folders on your computer. This is especially useful if you do a lot of searching for files or folders.

To enable it, click the Start button on the taskbar, click Search, and choose For Files or Folders. Then click Search Options (below the Search Now button), and click the Indexing Service hyperlink at the bottom of the Search Options box field to open the Indexing Service window.

Happy searching!



Joe Snow
Fresno, California

August 11, 1999

Having problems with TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)?

If you can't find your normal WinIPcfg.exe file that you relied upon in Windows 98, it would be very helpful to know that in Windows 2000 the file is now called IPconfig.exe, and it isn't based on a GUI anymore. Run it from the command prompt and you'll have all of your TCP/IP network info.

Editors' note IPCONFIG is a very handy utility. For usage information, type "IPCONFIG /?" at a command prompt. This tip works on Windows 2000 Server and Professional.


Use IPCONFIG to Update DNS Entries

John Parrish
Totally Connected, Inc., DeLand, Florida

June 16, 1999

Something I found useful to know and that will avoid a reboot:

When working with Windows 2000 Server and external DNS entry changes, you may notice that Windows 2000 does not see the change if you have previously resolved the domain name. This happens because the server will cache DNS information so that the lookups are faster for any future requests that are made. The quick fix for this was to reboot the server.

However, the correct way to solve this problem is to use the features of ipconfig. By typing ipconfig /displaydns at the command prompt (append |more for a step-through list), you can view a list of DNS entries Windows has cached. The command ipconfig /registerdns will refresh all of the entries in the resolver cache. The entries will be updated and the server should reflect the appropriate updates. You can also dump all of the cache by typing the command ipconfig /flushdns.

It is worth noting that the entries should have a TTL, which would eventually expire. However, for frequent DNS changes this info is very helpful.

Thank you for producing great products that help us produce great products!


Enable IP Forwarding Between Subnets

Berry Schreuder
e-office, Utrecht, The Netherlands

October 20, 1999

Here is my tip for Windows 2000 Server. I found out about this while I was evaluating Windows 2000 Server in a test lab.

Suppose you are testing site replication and wish to have multiple Internet Protocol (IP) subnets without having to install routers or Routing and Remote Access Services.

Here's a quick trick to enable IP forwarding:

In the Registry, set the value IPEnableRouter in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet \Services \Tcpip \Parameters to 0x00000001.

This enables routing between the two subnets. Consider, though, that this is not safe when routing between public networks. Remember to set your default gateways!


Shortcut for Locking the Console

Scott Schnoll
Portland, Oregon

June 30, 1999

You can lock the console without having to use CTRL+ALT+DEL or a screensaver.

To do so, create a shortcut to rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation. Then, launch the shortcut to lock the console.

This can be used on both Windows 2000 Server and Professional.

Shortcut to Microsoft Management Console

J Robert Ray
Futurelight, Fullerton, California

June 30, 1999

To quickly get to the oft-used Computer Management MMC (Microsoft Management Console), right-click the My Computer icon on the desktop, and choose Manage.

This works on Windows 2000 Professional and Server

Customize Location of the My Documents Folder

John Hill
Excell Data, Kirkland, Washington

September 22, 1999

After installing Office 2000 on Windows 2000 Server, I was surprised that I couldn't change the default document location in any Office application from My Documents. Although I couldn't change the default document location, I can change the location of the My Documents folder:
bulletRight-click on My Documents, select Properties and click the Move button.

Works on Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Organize Your Pictures into Separate Folders

Fausto de Oliveira Filho
Brazil Interco, Inc., Plantation, Florida

September 15, 1999

For those who, like me, have a lot of pictures, one fancy feature of Windows 2000 is the My Pictures folder, with commands like Print, Zoom In and Out, and Best Fit Size.

If you have pictures of many different subjects and you would like to store them in corresponding folders, yet still have access to those commands found in My Pictures, do this:
bulletOpen My Documents.
bulletMake a copy of the My Pictures folder. You can right-click on it, click Copy, then click Paste.
bulletA new folder will appear, named Copy of My Pictures. Rename it (right-click on the folder's icon, choose Rename) whatever way you want, for example Office Pics, Boat Pics,My Kat Pics.
bulletPlace all the pictures of that subject in the folder you have just created.

That's it!

The contents will look even better if you see them as thumbnails, which you can do by going to the View menu and choosing Thumbnails.

I am running Windows 2000 Professional, but I believe it works for both.

Editor's note The My Pictures folder is the default storage location for pictures when you save them from a digital camera to your computer.


Use Network Connection Wizard to Transfer Data Easily

Brian Frahm
The Clark Enersen Partners, Lincoln, Nebraska

January 19, 2000

Looking to transfer data from an old PC to your new PC with Windows 2000 Professional? The direct-connection method is very easy to set up! I set up a parallel port connection (4 megabits per second) in just a couple of minutes, and was able to move files and folders to my new machine without a hitch.

Here's how to set this up in Windows 2000:
bulletOpen the Networking and Dial-up Connections folder in Control Panel.
bulletDouble-click Make New Connection to start the Network Connection Wizard, then click Next.
bulletOn the Network Connection Type page, click Connect directly to another computer, then click Next.
bulletComplete the wizard to specify the role of your computer, Host or Guest, and the connection device (infrared, serial, or parallel port) page, who may use the connection, and the name of the connection.


Activate Network Monitor Icon

Michael Rivett
Dublin, Ohio

July 28, 1999

Be sure to check out the Network Monitor icon. This nifty feature is not always activated by default.

To activate the icon and its "lights":
bulletOn the desktop, right-click My Network Places, then choose Properties. The Network and Dial-up Connections window will open. Double-click Local Area Connection.
bulletClick Properties. Select the check box at the bottom that says Show icon in taskbar when connected.

After setting this, you will have an icon in your taskbar with a great set of lights that show network activity! It's a great way to tell if your network is transferring any data.

This tip works for Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server.

Bonus Tips (from the editors):

Bonus 1: Place the cursor over the Network Monitor icon to display a pop-up window that gives you data on the current status of your connection, including speed and packets sent and received. Right-click the icon to display a full Status window or to disconnect the network connection.

Bonus 2: You can also navigate to the Network and Dial-up Connection Properties window from the Start menu:
bulletPoint to Settings, then point to Network and Dial-up Connections
bulletClick Local Area Connection or Wide Area Connection
bulletClick the Properties button


Open Multiple Applications Simultaneously from the Start Menu

Chris Gradwohl
Training Specialist, Microsoft Support

June 2, 1999
bulletWhile performing this tip, hold down the SHIFT key throughout.
bulletClick Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, click Calculator, Notepad, and WordPad.
bulletWith the SHIFT key still held and with the Start Menu expanded, point to Programs and then point to Accessories then point to System Tools and click Scheduled Tasks.
bulletRelease the shift key.

Tile specific applications

Leave the applications Calculator, Notepad, WordPad, and Scheduled Tasks open for the next two tips.
bulletOn the taskbar, click the Show Desktop Icon (located in the Quick Launch Bar, just to the right of Start) to minimize all programs.
bulletFor this tip you must hold down the CTRL key.
bulletOn the taskbar, click WordPad and right-click Notepad and click Tile Vertically.
bulletOnly WordPad and Notepad are tiled vertically.

Close specific applications

bulletOn the taskbar, click the Show Desktop Icon (located in the Quick Launch Bar, just to the right of Start) to minimize all programs.
bulletFor the following tip, you must hold down the CTRL key.
bulletOn the taskbar, click WordPad, right-click Notepad, click Close.
bulletWordPad and Notepad are closed.
bulletClose any open programs.


Quicker Access to Control Panel and Other Items

Aaron Bertrand, Inc., Newport, Rhode Island

August 25, 1999

Right-click the taskbar, choose Toolbars/New Toolbar, and choose a top-level item like My Computer or My Network Places or Computers Near Me. This makes it that much quicker to access folders on your system, your CD-ROM, removeable disks, and other machines on your network.

Here is the kicker: I love using the Control Panel in this way. First, right-click your desktop and choose New Folder, then edit the name, pasting this value exactly:

Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

Now follow the same steps as above: Right-click the taskbar, choose Toolbars/New Toolbar, highlight the new Control Panel folder, and click OK. Voila, now all your control panel items are one click away (just remember to not delete that folder from your desktop or wherever you decide to create it). As shown in the screen shot, I like to minimize their presence on the taskbar so that they all become cascading menus.


If you ever want to remove a toolbar, just right-click the taskbar, choose Toolbars and uncheck the toolbar in question.

This tip works on Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Send a Quick E-Mail

Enrico Ng
Naperville, Illinois

July 14, 1999

If you want to send a quick e-mail, just type mailto: in the Run box (found in the Start menu), or create a shortcut. You'll avoid having to go to Outlook Express and click New Mail Message.


Use Quick Launch Bar to Start Frequently Used Apps

Jim Mazzulla
Carol Stream, Illinois

August 11, 1999

Now Windows NT users who are upgrading to Windows 2000 no longer need to deal with a plethora of icons on their desktops.

Simply drag an icon on your desktop to the Quick Launch portion of the taskbar. It will then appear next to the other Quick Launch icons (e.g., Internet Explorer, Outlook Express).

Now, drag the icon that appeared on the desktop to the recycle bin; you won't be needing it any longer, and you'll no longer need to hunt for the desktop icon to start programs you commonly run.

Works on Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Rescue and Repair It with the Recovery Console

David Gallant
CAD Resource Centre, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

October 6, 1999

This morning I was asked by a client to check out some older software in Windows 98. I did not have that OS installed on my computer. Before thinking about it, I just started installing the software, forgetting that Windows 98 would rewrite my boot record for my system partition, and leave out the option to boot in Windows 2000.

After testing the software, I attempted to get back to Windows 2000. I quickly realized that I would have to use a rescue disk to get back. So I inserted the four Setup disks. I got a surprise when I came to the Repair section.

We now have a new tool called the Recovery Console. This works like a smaller version of a MS-DOS console, with a set of commands to run. These commands will help fix most common problems, including fixing the boot record. My problem was solved and I didn't have to go through the pain of the rescue procedure.


Editors' notes The Recovery Console works with Windows 2000 Server or Professional. If running the latter, be sure to consult the Windows 2000 Professional Getting Started online book.

There are two ways to start the Recovery Console:

  1. If you are unable to start your computer, you can run the Recovery Console from your Windows 2000 Setup disks, as David Gallant did, or from the Windows 2000 Professional CD (if you can start your computer from your CD drive).
  2. You can install the Recovery Console on your computer to make it available in case you are unable to restart Windows 2000. You can then select the Recovery Console option from the list of available operating systems.


Using the Recovery Console Option in Windows 2000

Ronald Nutter, MCSE for

Someday the only thing between you and a total reinstall of Microsoft� Windows� 2000 may be an emergency repair disk (ERD). For those who have worked in the trenches with Microsoft Windows NT� from 3.51 and 4.0, the process is the same�although how you get there has changed. In this article, we'll show you how to use the Recovery Console option�a new feature in Windows 2000, and we'll take you through the steps of creating an ERD in Windows 2000.

What is the Recovery Console?

The Recovery Console is a command-line option that allows you to repair a system that won't start or load Windows 2000. Just about the only thing that will prevent you from loading Windows 2000 will be a bad hard disk or defective memory modules. You have three options for invoking the Recovery Console: booting from the Windows 2000 Setup Disk 1, booting from the Windows 2000 CD, or selecting the Recovery Console option from the list of available startup options.

Installing the Recovery Console as a startup option is easier than you think. Begin by inserting the Windows 2000 CD in your CD-ROM drive. When you do, Windows 2000 will display one of two dialog boxes. It will either ask you whether you want upgrade your current selection, or you'll see a dialog box where you can add additional components. You can select No from the Upgrade dialog box or click Exit to close these windows depending on the options you are presented. Next you'll need to open an MS-DOS� session and type d:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons. Be sure to replace d: with the letter you have selected for the CD-ROM drive in your system. Then, just follow the prompts. After a few minutes, the installation process will be complete. The Recovery Console will be available the next time you reboot your system.

The Recovery Console installation process will create a directory named Cmdcons off the root of the partition from which Windows NT boots. It will take approximately 5 MB for the files required to boot Windows 2000 to a text-only interface. Don't be surprised if you can't see this directory from the MS-DOS command window. You can see it by clicking My Computer and clicking the partition from which Windows NT boots, or by using Windows Explorer.

If you still can't see the partition, you may need to tell Windows 2000 to display system and hidden directories. You can do this by going into Windows Explorer, selecting Tools, and clicking Folder Options. Click the View tab in the resulting dialog box and select Hidden Files And Folders. You will receive one or two warning messages from Windows 2000, but once you get past these, you'll be able to see the normally hidden directories.

Even though you have the Recovery Console as a bootable option, you'll still be able to access it from the CD-ROM drive just in case the hard disk has problems booting. For a system with a bootable CD-ROM drive that won't start using the hard disk, you can boot using the Windows 2000 CD and insert the Windows 2000 Install floppy disks as requested. Select the option to repair your Windows 2000 installation, then select the Recovery Console option when it becomes available.

Using the Recovery Console

When you reboot Windows 2000 and select the Windows Recovery Options, you'll notice a different type of startup. It will look similar to how Windows NT 4.0 starts, with the dots going across the screen. Within a minute or so of going through this process, you'll be prompted for the partition you want to use to startup Windows 2000. This is a good option to have; if you have a dual-boot configuration, the partition you normally boot from is not the one you will actually boot from this time. You'll need to provide the partition number you want to boot from before pressing [Enter]. If you accidentally press [Enter] without providing a partition number to boot from, Windows 2000 will reboot and you'll need to repeat the process of starting the Recovery Console.

The next prompt you'll see asks for the administrator password. Make sure to keep track of the passwords you use for each of your Windows 2000 systems. Remember that this password is for the local administrator account, not the domain administrator account.

In the past, most OEM's haven't set a password on the Administrator account This isn't a good thing. When you change the password on the Administrator account, make sure you either use the same password on each new machine you install or have a record of the passwords for each machine.

After you log on to the machine, you'll see a \WINNT prompt. You're now set and ready to go. You've just booted your Windows 2000 server to a command prompt just like the good old days under MS-DOS.

It's a good idea to get used to the console now before a situation occurs where you may really need it. Become familiar with the different commands and how they work. Type HELP and press the Enter key to display a list of the commands that you can use in the console. Table A lists several of these commands.

Table A Windows 2000 Recovery Console commands.


Changes attributes on file or directory




Executes commands from a text file




Changes directory or displays name of current directory




Displays current status of disk




Clears screen




Copies file to another location or name




Deletes file(s)




Displays list of file(s) or directories




Disables server or driver




Manages partitions on drive(s)




Starts/enables a service or driver




Exits console and restarts computer




Extracts file from compressed version




Writes new boot sector




Repairs Master Boot Record




Formats drive/disk




Displays lists of available commands




Lists services/drivers on this computer




Logs on to this system




Displays mapped drive letters




Creates directory




Pauses display of text file when screen is full




Renames a file




Deletes directory




Shows and sets environment variables




Sets the current directory you are in to the systemroot directory




Prints file to screen


Using the Recovery Console won't be limited to times when Windows NT won't start. You can also use it during startup if a service either causes Windows NT to stop responding or slows things down to a point where it takes a half hour or longer to get Windows NT to where you can log on. In this case, you can use the listsvc command to see a list of the services (both started and not started) and their current status. Once you've identified the service that you need to stop, you can use the disable command to stop the service.

When using the disable command, you'll see information regarding the type of service you are disabling. You should write down this information so that when you need to re-enable the service, you'll be able to do it correctly. To see if the service you disable is the cause of the problem, type exit to log out and restart Windows NT into the GUI mode it normally operates in.

Creating an Emergency Repair Disk

The Recovery Console can help you get Windows 2000 up and running when there is a problem. However, in some cases you'll still need the ERD to get the problem fixed. The ERD creation process has changed; instead of using a command-line utility, you'll use a GUI called NTBACKUP. You access this utility by selecting Start, then Run, typing NTBACKUP, and pressing [Enter].

Create the ERD by clicking the Emergency Repair Disk icon in the NTBACKUP welcome dialog box or by clicking Tools and selecting Create Emergency Repair Disk. As with earlier versions of Windows NT, the process used to create the ERD also creates a repair folder in the directory Windows NT uses to store its files, usually called WINNT. Do not delete this repair directory for any reason; the repair process will also require information stored in this directory.

The Recovery Console lets you manage partitions and boot records. In those rare cases when a hard disk drive becomes so corrupted that you can't access information on it�and Disk Administrator seems to have a problem accessing or even deleting the drive�the diskpart command should give you another option besides low-level formatting the disk and starting from scratch.

The commands fixboot and fixmbr may prove helpful in those cases when Windows 2000 has a problem booting up. Fixmbr provides a function for Windows 2000 that's similar to the old FDISK /MBR trick in MS-DOS, which allowed you to rebuild or replace the Master Boot Record. Fixboot will rewrite the entire boot sector if necessary. Remember to use any Recovery Console command carefully and only when necessary.

Being Prepared

The Recovery Console isn't something you'll use a lot, but being familiar with it will pay off in the long run. The Recovery Tool beats the hat tricks you to had to perform in earlier versions of Windows NT to try to fix things without having to get into the GUI. Just keep it in your back pocket as one of the resources you have when things aren't working.

Ronald Nutter is a senior systems engineer in Lexington, KY. He's an MCSE, Novell Master CNE, and Compaq ASE. Ron has worked with networks ranging in size from single servers to multiserver/multi-OS setups, including NetWare, Windows NT, AS/400, 3090, and UNIX. He's also the help desk editor for Network World. If you'd like to contact Ron, send him an e-mail. (Because of the large volume of e-mail that he receives, it's impossible for him to respond to every message. However, he does read them all.)

The above article is courtesy of TechRepublic.

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Recovery Console Tips for System Admins

Kartik Raghavan
Program Manager for Setup, Windows 2000 Development Team

October 27, 1999

The Recovery Console allows system administrators to access the file system of a Windows 2000 computer�even if the hard disk is formatted using NTFS�by using the Windows 2000 Setup CD. This allows support professionals to fix even a non-booting Windows 2000 system. Since the Recovery Console has batch support, it is even possible for system administrators to create batch files to fix common scenarios and distribute those batch files for users to run on their systems.

It's a good idea to install Recovery Console on all of your Windows 2000 Server computers, as well as Windows 2000 Professional computers that are more at risk, such as those used by developers, software testers, or fearless power users.

To install the Recovery Console on your system:
winnt32 /cmdcons

To install the Recovery Console unattended (you can script this as part of a setup):
winnt32 /cmdcons /unattend

Cool use of the Recovery Console:

Fix the Master Boot Record (MBR) in case it was corrupted by a virus or another problem. Previously, this might have involved using DOS FDISK (fdisk /mbr). The command: fixmbr.

Other cool stuff you can do:

Create a batch file for recovery commands to automate common recovery tasks:

For example, you can automate the disabling of several services (e.g., Telnet, Server, Telephony, Messenger) simultaneously, or automate replacement of the registry. The command: batch<nameofbatchfile> <file to contain output of batchfile>

One limitation is that a batch file cannot contain another batch file. This is a really neat scenario for an IT manager: having batch files that solve common problems that may require a lot of steps.

Enable all paths for the Recovery Console:

Use the Security & Configuration Analysis Snap-in or the Group Policy Editor to enable the SET Command. This allows you to copy files to removable media and gives you access to all paths.

You can also enable Auto-Logon for the Console, using the Group Policy or the Security Configuration and Analysis MMC snap-in.

Partition and format a disk:

Use the diskpart and the format commands to partition and format a disk NTFS, FAT, or FAT32. Incidentally, this can be scripted. See the Recovery Console Help.

Expand a file out of the

Since the Windows 2000 driver files are in a .cab file, you can use the console's Expand command to view and extract a file out of a CAB.


Use Run As to Start Administrative Tools While Logged On as a User

Ryan Calafato
Program Manager, Microsoft

June 2, 1999

Have you ever been working while logged on with your regular user account, and had to close down all of your applications and windows to perform an administrative task? The Windows 2000 Secondary Logon service lets you run commands "as" the user, instead of having to log on as that user.

The following works for shortcuts to all administrative tools and most application shortcuts on the Start menu:
bulletSelect the application icon using a single left-click, hold down the SHIFT key and right-click the icon.


bulletClick Run As. This will bring up a dialog box titled Run program as other user.


bulletType the user name, password, and domain of the user you want to run this application as in the appropriate fields, then click OK.

The application is now running in the security context of the user name you specified. If you specified administrator logon credentials, you may perform administrative tasks with the application.


Scheduled Tasks Wizard

Richard Justus
J.A.S.I., Jeffersonville, New York

June 23, 1999

Hello. I am using Windows 2000 Professional Beta 3 and I love it. I've been using Windows since the very first version, and have also beta-tested Windows 95.

One of the tips that I would like to share is using the Scheduled Tasks wizard.

With it, you can schedule disk maintenance, such as cleanup, to be done at specific intervals -- to keep your machine running optimally. You can also use it to run numerous other programs at scheduled times that you select.

To use Scheduled Tasks, click Start, and point to Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Scheduled Tasks. Click Add Scheduled Task, and follow the instructions in the wizard.

P.S.: Keep up the great work.

Editor's Note This tip is accurate for the released version of Windows 2000.


More on Scheduled Tasks Wizard: Check Remote Sites

Gary Lockwood
Fenton, Missouri

October 20, 1999

Do you ever get tired of having to double-click on your programs to get them to start up when you log on the morning? Or do you find it difficult to put programs into your Startup menu? I found that the Scheduled Tasks wizard is easy and convenient to use.

What I use it for is when I log on in the morning. I need to check to see if two of my remote locations are up and running. So I asked the Scheduled Tasks wizard to do a ping of the remote sites, using a batch file. Then I know as soon as I get on the network if everything is fine remotely.


Use Cascading "My Computer" in the Start Menu

Mark Allen
Liant Software Corporation, Austin, Texas

August 18, 1999

I found this little trick when using Active Desktop� with the option to Show Desktop Icons disabled. I still needed to get to the My Computer icon on a regular basis.

Drag the My Computer icon to the Start button, and it will automatically create a cascading shortcut to My Computer that will expand to reveal your drives, folders, and files. This is similar to the Expand Control Panel option new to Windows 2000. With the emphasis on tooltips that Windows 2000 now incorporates, you can also hold your cursor over a partition in the Start Menu for a moment to view its free space and capacity. You can execute a file just by single clicking on it in the Start Menu, and open a folder by double clicking.

This tip works on Windows 2000 Professional and Server.


Create a Shortcut to Task Manager

Jacob van der Meulen
DeTrain WebDesign, North Holland, Netherlands

February 2, 2000

Wouldn't it be handy to have a shortcut on your desktop (or in your Quick Launch bar) which points directly to the cool new Windows 2000 Task Manager?

Here's how:

Right-click anywhere on your desktop, and point to New, then click Shortcut. In the wizard that appears, type taskmgr.exe. Click Next, and type the name you want for this shortcut. Click Finish, and you're done!

Bonus tip: If you want to have the Task Manager running minimized, but you don't want to have it on the taskbar, you can choose to keep it running in the system tray.

To do this, start Task Manager, click Options, and click on Hide when minimized to turn this feature on. Now you can minimize Task Manager without it being in your way, and you'll always see your CPU usage in the system tray!


Telnet Tip

Rodney Gordon
Eagle Point, Oregon

August 25, 1999

Go to Start/Run, then type in telnet for Windows 2000's built-in Telnet client! It is pretty nice because it now does ANSI terminal emulation, which is very neat for administering remote systems that you need to telnet into.

This tip works with Windows 2000 Server and Professional.


Customize the Mouse Pointer and Other Visual Effects

Christopher J. Ivan
Picker International, Cleveland, Ohio

September 8, 1999

Are you bothered by the Shadow effect behind the mouse pointer?

Well, it's easy to turn off or on. Simply go to the Control Panel, then double-click Mouse. Click on the Pointers tab, and, at the bottom of the box, uncheck Enable pointer shadow. While you're here, you can customize your mouse pointers to your liking.

Also, if you're annoyed at the length of time it takes to display a pop-up menu due to the Fade effect, you can turn that feature off or change it. Go to the Control Panel, then double-click Display. Under the Effects tab, uncheck Use transition effects for menus and ToolTips. Or, if you like, you can change the Fade effect to Scroll effect. Again, while you're here, you can change other visual effects.

Works in Windows 2000 Professional and Server.



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